
Discover the professional Born Automation solutions.


It is a closed-loop smart production management system designed for managing all operations about production with digital tools in production facilities.
It provides the management of all production, quality testing and maintenance management operations in enterprises from production planning to shipment.
Among this, because the operations are being followed and controlled instantly and continuously give feedbacks to the authorities according to certain criteria, the facility will be better organized and it will cause a significant increase in productivity.
In addition to the live production organizations, because normally unnoticed speed drop,stopping, defect, waiting, quality losts can be seen with their reasons and they can be analyzed and their original reasons will be determined and eliminated.
It is a closed-loop smart production management system designed for managing all operations about production with digital tools in production facilities


BornMANAGE Planning Module is supported with a production plan and a production plan (vertical) screen. The goal of the Planning Module is to prevent delays in orders by providing the distribution of work orders on the basis of suitable machines according to the priority of the customer’s orders and the availability of the resources of the operator, machine, etc.

One of the main problems in production is getting behind on orders. Ignoring the inadequacy of resources, overloading a resource more than its capacity, or uncertainty about when the resource will finish the job prevent the orders from being done on time. This situation causes the company to lose time and money continuously.

Running the production plan in a live system, the moment by moment following and time planning according to production capacity will prevent the losses. Additionally, knowing when to start the follow-up order depending on the knowledge of when the work is gonna be done and organizing the resources according to this will increase the efficiency of the production.

With the BornMANAGE Planning Module, production plans are managed and monitored according to a specific order on a day or an hourly basis. Work orders are assigned correctly by following factors such as machine, operator, mold suitability that creates the production capacity. So, it is possible to prevent piling up, delay and losses due to these in production. Considering the effect of the production on time and the remaining production, instant information about the process can be learned by tracking the process to see if it is ahead or behind. Problems that might come up are determined and required preventions are made in advance.

Facility Monitoring and Machinery Performance

Machine stoppage history provides machines to visualize the stoppages they have been through in the time axis. It enables the comparison and examination of all the machines or the stops in the created machine groups. On the machine history screen, the stops related to the one that’s wanted to be examined are filtered and;
  • Which product/operation was worked
  • When that labor for the product/operation was started and ended?
  • Which stops accured, when it started, when it ended, how long did it take
  • Which operator/operators worked in which time period
  • What is the quantity of the detected produce and what is the reason
  • Gerçekleşme sıklığı
  • Frequency of happening
  • The machines it happens the most
  • The shift which stops happen the most
  • Time period of the concentration of stops throughout the shift
The duration of the stops, frequency of it, and the times it happens on the machine present clues about its original reason. The analysis of the original reason is the only way to completely get rid of the stop. Also the stops with certain goals (food, timeout, setup, end of shift etc.) should be reported in the machine-shift base, visual results should be shared with operators. Beside these, it enables the cycle times of all cycles performed to be examined in the cycle unit that is used in the facility (second/cycle, Cycle/second, Minute/cycle,Cycle hour etc.) It allows the distribution and accumulation graph of the cycles performed to be matched with the operator and the product and examined on the histogram.
Monitoring the status of the machines online is important to prevent production losses and to take fast action if a loss occurs. In cases where the machines can’t be monitored online, it is important to shape the recent history and to display the situation. It should be a part of the enterprise’s culture that the operator, shift supervisor, department manager, production manager and factory responsible who take the responsibility of the machines, follow the condition of the machine and take the necessary actions. For example, the status of the enterprise at night shift, the stops that machines went through, and the production information happening should be monitored without losing much time and required feedback should be made. Sharing the stoppage with the operators contributes to creating a beneficial competitive environment, and helps with increasing awareness and a sense of responsibility. With the BornMANAGE Planning Module, production plans are managed and monitored according to a specific order on a day or an hourly basis. Work orders are assigned correctly by following factors such as machine, operator, mold suitability that creates the production capacity. So, it is possible to prevent piling up, delay and losses due to these in production. Considering the effect of the production on time and the remaining production, instant information about the process can be learned by tracking the process to see if it is ahead or behind. Problems that might come up are determined and required preventions are made in advance.
Operator Interface Module is a software product that instantly informs operators about production. It makes sure that operators working in production have information about the quantities produced, scrap quantities, stopping information and the efficiency of the machines during their start-up. Operator Interface Module provides the ability to enter the details about the scraps while saving operators from pens and papers while also collecting automatic signals from the machine, and measuring stoppage durations. This module makes it easier to monitor data by collecting them all in one space. Also while it’s giving information about current and past productions to the operators, it will provide actual production information about work orders. In addition, it reduces the possibility of machine failures and excess production, and provides information about the future of production and the machine. Beside these, it will ensure that the operators will have their machines and increase their performance. It will increase awareness about the current production situation of the production crew. The quality of production will be calculated and shown to the operator. These pieces of information will provide an increase in efficiency in production causing a boost in the performance of the business operator. Also, it will save the operators from pens and paper because it will eliminate the possibility of an error.

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