Discover the professional Born Automation solutions.

BornRECIPE is a compound feed formulation preparation software that provides single and multiple solutions specific to feed mills. With this program, you can enter as a preparer or a viewer with your phone, tablet, or computer from any location you want and you can change what is in your authorization. Thanks to this program, which runs on the cloud server, it allows continuous user access without losing your data and unlimited data entry thanks to the data it keeps on the Sql Server. When you define your username and password with the app you’ve downloaded from App Store or Google Play, the interface will be ready for data entry. You can allow your customers to watch the rations you make by defining unlimited users.
Our app designed specifically to hold optimum product mixtures; Raw material constraints, All conditions needed in the product content, stocks and costs are all considered while calculating the lowest cost mixture mathematically.
It guarantees the calculated compound is the most suitable one.
The production costs will decrease and raw materials will be used efficiently.
Our app that works simultaneously with the automation system, can start producing the calculated mixture without the need of a human’s intervention.
- Updating online without a cost
- Entering infinite amount of raw materials
- Adding new raw materials
- Changing the nutritional value of the raw materials
- Copying raw materials
- Changing the prices of the raw materials
- Saving the raw material data as an Excel sheet or a PDF
- Defining additional costs to raw materials
- Defining general or special formulations for raw materials
- Retroactive raw material versions
- Filtering raw materials on an enterprise basis
- Defining raw material groups
- Copying raw material groups
- Defining infinite amount of nutrients
- Adding new nutrients
- Changing the info on nutrients
- Defining types of nutrients
- Defining the nutrients as a ratio
- Easily changing the order of nutrients
- Seeing nutritional values in matrix
- Saving nutritional values in matrix as an excel or a pdf
- Saving the data of nutritional values as an excel or a pdf
- Creating complicated nutrient equations
- Defining conditions for nutrient equations
- Copying nutrient equations
- Creating nutrient groups according to the type of formulations
- Copying nutrient groups
- Defining infinite formulations
- Adding new formulations
- Calculating a single blend formula based on the lowest cost
- Copying formulations
- Mixing formulations
- Turning raw materials active or passive during solutions
- Turning nutrients active or passive during solutions
- Saving the formula as an excel or a pdf
- Easily seeing raw material values in the formula solution screen
- Graphic of which raw materials nutrients come from
- Defining ready formulas
- Seeing the new formula costs when the price of raw materials change
- Printing a production recipe
- Archiving a formula
- Changing the archived formula into a registered formula
- Making a double parametric analysis on raw materials
- Making a double parametric analysis on nutrients
- Saving the formula as a raw materials
- Defining the raw material combination inside of the formula
- Solving the formula with the nutrients of the required enterprise
- Solving the formula with the prices of the required enterprise
- Trying an alternative raw material
- Formula verification / analysis
- Claculating the need of seasonal raw material
- Defining infinite amount of enterprises
- Defining new enterprises
- Defining different raw material prices for each enterprise
- Defining different nutrient values for each enterprise
- Defining multiple databases
- Copying databases
- Uploading your values in a new database without corrupting your existing structure
- Defining infinite users
- Safe entering to the software with an username and a password
- Changing the user without leaving the software
- Assigning different authorizations to users for various functions
- Setting the firm / person name within the software
- Defining firm logo within the software
- Printing the name and the logo of the firm in reports
- Adjusting the sensitivity of raw material mixture quantity display
- Adjusting the sensitivity of nutritional value quantity display
- Adjusting the sensitivity of raw material prices display
- Calculating a multi blend formula based on the lowest cost
- Choosing / changing value and price enterprises on multi blend
- Fixing the required formulas on multi blend
- Defining a limit for each raw material in multi blend
- Defining a limit for raw material groups in multi blend
- Using formulas from multiple enterprises in multi blend
- Easily removing a raw material from all formulas in multi blend
- Easily adding a raw material to all formulas in multi blend
- Making a raw material passive in all formulas in multi blend
- Making a raw material active in all formulas in multi blend
- Changing a raw material with another raw material in multi blend
- Seeing / Changing the limit of a raw material in all formulas in multi blend
- Seeing / changing the limits of a nutrient in all formulas in multi blend
- Setup on a central server and multiple user support
- Database in SQL Server
- Multiple user possibility with different user authorizations
- Infrastructure that works integrated with ERP systmes ( SAP etc. )
- Infrastructure that works integrated with Analysis Labs’s systems
- Automatic pricing infrastructure from ERP system